Monday, January 21, 2008


I wrote this I think... last Friday for the blog:

It was something like yoga.

Which makes sense, but it surprised me anyway. It was better than I thought it would be. It would be different if we had to do solo performance on the first day, but since all 30-something of us were making noises and acting like nippy hungry smacking birds, it wasn't so bad.

I just need to buy some sweats....

We're supposed to create our own goals and objectives for the course. I guess mine would fall under one of the last bullets that Francis mentioned: "getting out of your shell." Which I kind of already did just staying in the class because I never do dance or acting or anything like that (so I guess this will be kind of a running list thing). I think the hardest part will be fulfilling that "community" part of the class that Francis mentioned. I'm sure I'll GET something from each class, but I don't know how able I am to GIVE something to the class except my respect... and like, my embarrassment.

So in that sense the class can't totally be like yoga because yoga is more personal-spiritual. It's all internal concentration and you're not supposed to look at other people and stuff while you're doing it and that's why instructors suggest to close your eyes if you want to. (At least that was what my first yoga class was like.)

I need to read... and then go to Target.

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