Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Love handles

I had to look that word up. I thought it just referred to either side of your waist-ish. Anyway, urban dictionary is a great source of entertainment especially when you spell it lovehandle (lublubs and bitchhandles, haha!).

So it's not my love handles but just the sides of my waist that I realized at my 12:00 today were aching. (That is a really weirdly constructed sentence.) I didn't think that just pivoting your waist a bit for the steps yesterday would have that effect (it didn't hurt when I was doing it... I wonder why, for example, my arms and shoulders don't ache?).

I think yesterday was also the first time I consciously realized that what we're doing is art. I guess since then it was just a subconscious given. The only thing in my conscious was: this is cool, this is fun, this is exercise, this feels good, this is hard, this is pretty and I want to do that. But then comparing it to other forms of art--most other forms have some kind of external product. Like music, a painting, a picture. But then we are the sculpture, as Francis said; the body is the art and the medium and the canvas. It's our bodies that we're moving and orienting to create some appealing shape or magnificent maneuver. You can't give it away or send it to someone because when you're done with it, you bring it with you (turn it off, in a way) and people must commit it to memory.

Anyway I liked how this was a really physical class--my thighs and arms and not-love handles were working hard. It was kind of a bad day not to have a change of shirt, too... especially since I feel like I sweat profusely (and it was hot! in there). Mrrf.

I feel like we all have to try harder to be more open and more of a community in class, vocally, but even though discussion was hard to break into, for some ironic reason it seemed like we were close in our awkwardness (but of course vocalizing our feelings made it more honest and open and in the end tight). Maybe it was a quick ignorance is bliss kind of moment.

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